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Tuesday 28 February 2023

Bachelor Blowup: One Woman Says She Won't Fight for Zach, Self-Eliminates Instead


A feud erupts on "The Bachelor" after one woman steals Zach Shallcross away for a kiss moments before he takes another woman for a One-on-One date.

After Covid completely derails the London leg of Zach Shallcross' "Bachelor" journey, he and his Top 9 were hoping Estonia would prove it was "a great place to fall in love."

It certainly proved a good breeding ground for jealousy and tension between the women. Interestingly, unlike most seasons of "The Bachelor" when a clear villainess emerges at this point, we're not sure where we land on tonight's biggest drama.

Actually, there were two "most dramatic" moments of the night. The first came right away and then continued to play out through the rest of the evening leading to tension and drama at the Rose Ceremony.

The other one didn't even get that far as one of the women spiraled herself right into an anxiety attack and then an aggressive conversation with Zach that left her in a limo and both of them a little confused as to what just happened.

Kat Attack

First up, though, was good news for Charity, who got a redo of her canceled London One-on-One after Zach came down with Covid. She'd briefly worried he might skip her or come back to her later, but he was true to his word to her that this would happen.

It was almost the perfect day, until Zach showed up to take her away for the day only to be taken away himself by Kat. She pulled him into the hall, telling him how much she'd missed him and even kissed him.

The fact that this went down just moments before Charity's One-on-One date hit Zach and Kat differently than every other woman there. Zach said he appreciated her boldness, while she thought she was fully right to take time.

Everyone else thought it selfish, disrespectful and extremely rude to Charity. It took a day that was supposed to be all about Charity and made it at least a little bit about Kat -- and a bit about Kat first.

On top of that, no one did anything like that to Kat before her One-on-One date earlier in the season, or anyone else, for that matter. While all of the women were upset by this, Brooklyn was beside herself and not afraid to speak her mind.

In fact, with Christina gone, Brooklyn quickly stepped up as the one we can now count on for the best confessionals and face-to-face commentary. She was fearless and so quick on her feet when coming at Kat for this audacious move.

This is a situation where until this point, we were a little on the fence as to who was in the right here. Kat is right in that there are no rules. She saw an opportunity and took it, and Zach appreciated it. She's not here to make friends, but to land her man.

AGT All-Stars Finale 5th Judge: Winner Revealed in Shocking Results

At the same time, there is such a thing as basic decency and respect for other people. What's most important is to give the respect that you expect. That's where Kat quickly lost us ahead of the Group Date.

She was a part of it and when Charity only vaguely referenced what had happened before her date, Kat shut her down and said she did not want to have this conversation before the Group Date. OMG, talk about a lack of self-awareness. Luckily, Brooklyn was right there to help her out!

"Oh my god! You don't want to ruin the group date? You don't want to have it before it ruins your time, like Charity's?" she asked.

"Ew, why are you being so aggressive?" Kat asked her, legitimately confused and completely not getting the parallel here.

""Ew? Because you have your head up your ass," Brooklyn said.

This issue between the three women continued all the way through the night's Cocktail Party, when Charity finally pulled Kat aside to try and talk to her about it. Once again, Kat felt she had nothing to apologize about, but when Brooklyn interjected herself into it, Kat stormed off.

She said she was ready to talk it through with Charity, who was the wronged party, but felt it was inappropriate for Brooklyn to keep trying to be part of it.

Now, we can't abide Kate's cluelessness as to how it was rude when she asked Charity not to ruin her date with an uncomfortable conversation first when she kissed Zach before Charity's date ... but Brooklyn did aggressively interject herself into that conversation as if she felt Charity couldn't handle it herself.

So, we're still a little torn on this one. We get where Kat is coming from, but a little self-awareness and empathy goes a long way in life. If she's this tone-deaf to her own actions here, where else does this blind spot come into her life and impact her relationships?

Storm Reid Has Message for Homophobic Response to Last of Us Kiss

One-on-One Take 2

Back to Charity's actual One-on-One date, once Zach was done kissing Kat they went on to have a wonderful time taking in the sights and sounds of Estonia. They enjoyed local fare, drinks, a carriage ride and even a wife-carrying obstacle course.

Look, we're not at all sure that we believe they had no idea this was going on and just happened to stop to watch and then Charity just happened to offer them to participate. It's certainly possible, but those cameras were set up pretty good from the start to capture this from all angles even as they "spontenously" stopped.

Still, Zach killed this course, which saw Charity straddling the back of his neck face down and getting carried by her legs as he ran and hopped and jumped and zigged and zagged. It wasn't particularly dignified for either of them, but it had an odd intimacy.

Later that evening, Charity opened up about the emotional abuse she'd endured in her previous relationship, which involved a lot of mental manipulation and even infidelity on his part with someone she was very close to (making it a double betrayal).

She said she went so far as to lie about the problems and hide them from her parents, leading to feelings of shame and regret that she allowed herself to get to this point. It's something that's all too easy to do, as so many who do find their way out can attest.

The sharing brought the pair closer than ever, landing Charity a rose.

One-on-One or Done

The reading of the names for the week's Group Date did not sit well with Jess, one of two women who had not yet experienced a One-on-One date with Zach. The other was Greer, but Jess seemed to keep forgetting that Greer existed, insisting she was the last one.

She had it right on a technicality for this week only as Greer followed Zach's week with Covid by getting it herself. Still, she remains a part of the competition and had not yet had a One-on-One.

This whole situation was another case where it's hard to say who's in the right here. Certainly, Jess was spiraling in a way that wasn't healthy for her both before and during the witchy Group Date.

They met a legitimate Estonian witch who worked in healing and did a series of rituals. One of them involved staring at each other's eyes through a lit candle. Now, we're not sure if Jess and Zach were the only pair to have the candle blow out while they were looking, but it did happen and the editors made sure to emphasize it.

Jess admitted to the other women to having had a full anxiety attack before the evening portion of the date, and then finally let it all out when she and Zack finally got some time together. For his part, he said he was still intrigued by her and totally into her.

Jess, on the other hand, fixated on the fact she'd not yet had a One-on-One. Zach tried to insist it's not about that, but Jess kept insisting that it was that time the other women had had to progress their relationships.

At this point, every woman there except for her (because Greer was absent) had had a One-on-One, so it's easy to sympathize with her frustration that she was probably behind them, or would be soon once Ariel had hers the following day.

At the same time, Zach can only give out so many of those and it takes time to get through all the women. So who's in the right here? We're not entirely sure. Her uncertainty and fixation on the One-on-One aspect of the show left Zach feeling "nervous."

His lack of meaningful responses -- and Zach is definitely not great with his words or expressing himself -- culminated in Jess declaring that she said from the beginning she would not fight for him. At the same time, she demanded that her man fight for her.

With this and an apparent completely inability to even understand where one another was coming from, Zach walked her out still confused as to what just happened. In fact, both of them seemed a little perplexed.

Zach told the other woman he cut her, but it looked to us like she cut herself. Certainly, her ultimatum about not fighting for him and demanding he fight for her made it seem like she was done. Or maybe she was asking him to fight for her and he didn't.

Either way, we found ourselves wondering if she was holding an unfair double-standard in this belief that her man should fight for her but she should not fight for him? In the limo, though, she reasonably argued that it would make sense for her to be wanted sooner than last (second-to) by the man who might one day be her husband.

While we can acknowledge her frustration, we found ourselves again uncertain as to whether she was being unfair or just setting a boundary that Zach was unable, or unwilling, to meet at that time. Usually we can just ride up and pick a side, but we're on the fence with this one.

We don't love the declaration she won't fight for her man (but wants him to fight for her), so that would make us Team Zach. But we also see her wanting her future husband to want her first, or sooner than last, which would make us Team Jess. We'll settle for Team Probably for the Best.

Naked Giggling

Zach is still in his mid-20s and so are all of his remaining bachelorettes. That showed a bit when he and Ariel went for another Estonian cultural experience at a nude sauna.

Not only did the rudely interrupt their guide on the journey by interrupting her to flirt and giggle at one another, they twice laughed at another couple who was choosing to be nude -- for choosing to be nude.

When you talk about disrespectful, this is rude and disrespectful. It's fine that neither of them were comfortable enough to strip down themselves. But that's more about them than the people who do have that comfort level.

They were kind enough to the other couple, but the giggling felt inappropriate and disrespectful. For them, though, it only served to bring them closer together, with Zach declaring what a pleasant surprise it was getting this time with Ariel.

You could argue that he was proving Jess' point from earlier by progressing his relationship so much with Ariel after getting to spend all this additional time with her. At the same time, had he chosen Jess for this One-on-One, then it would have been Ariel falling behind. It's the nature of the beast with this show.

Why Aubrey Plaza Looked So Angry at SAG Awards Revealed by White Lotus Co-Star Jon Gries

Checking In

The episode began with Jesse Palmer checking in with Zach about his remaining nine women (before Jess left) and it gave some insight as to how things are going with them. For one thing, we're growing more and more confident in Kaity as our guess for the winner.

First of all, with Jesse, Kaity was the first woman he talked about, saying that things are going "incredibly well" with her. During the evening portion of the Group Date, he grabbed her before any of the women could grab him. Zach seems to gravitate toward her constantly and first a lot. She got the first Rose Ceremony rose last week, too.

He went on to talk about Brooklyn being a "straight-shooter," and boy did we see that in tonight's episode, while Kat gave him butterflies, things were getting better and better with Charity, and he felt something strong with Gabi.

At the top of the night, he had the least to say about Ariel -- which explains why he was so pleasantly surprised by their One-on-One; maybe he was expecting to cut her.

He also said that he wasn't sure if he fully knew Jess yet (echoing her sentiments) and that Aly was great, but their One-on-One was so long ago, he wanted to see how much was still there between them. We clocked this immediately as an "uh-oh."

Kat was definitely in her head again about the whole incident with Charity, exacerbated after Charity and Brooklyn confronted her about it moments before Zach came to find her to get some time with her.

This was another case of Zach having no idea because no one to our knowledge has told him that this even is an issue among the women. Of course, he knows he kissed Kat before Charity's One-on-One, but he doesn't know it rubbed anyone the wrong way.

He did, however, pick up on that tension in the air and that disconnect with Kat during the witch Group Date. When he asked about it, though, she said a lot of things that weren't what it was really about. We get not wanting to air that dirty laundry, but Zach has preached and practiced honesty above all and Kat didn't do that here. If any of the other women fill him in later, this could come back to haunt her if he thinks she misled him about what was going on.

At the Rose Ceremony, those predictions from the beginning of the episode came true. Greer appears to have gotten a pass into the next week, despite being completely absent from this one, and it was Aly who didn't get the Rose.

We hope Zach had the courtesy to check on Greer during her sickness, like Kaity did for him, because he knows first-hand how lonely it can be. We know we didn't see anything like that, so we'll just imagine that he did. Maybe next week will show something.

Certainly, as always, it looks like things are going to get even more complicated. And just wait until he declared "no sex" for Fantasy Suites week. Who's fantasy is that?!

Ted Lasso Season 3 Trailer Teases Nate Showdown

"Mansion" Chatter

  • "I'm learning so much f------ patience." --Kat (waiting for Zach to get over Covid)
  • "I didn't even recognize you for a second." --Kat (when Zach walked in)
  • "Zach, before you go, can you come with me? Can you come with me before you go on your date." --Kat
  • "Wait, what?" --Charity
  • "I wanted you to have fun today and enjoy your time with Charity, but I just missed you and wanted to say hi to you before you left. Call it needy, but I don't care."
  • "No, that's like taking initiative and I appreciate that." --Zach
  • "I'm annoyed, to be completely honest." --Brooklyn (to Charity about Kat)
  • "When Zach came back, I'm maybe an overly observant person, but it did look like he might have lip gloss on his lips, which I don't think he applied himself." --Gabi (about Zach)
  • "I know that if that would have happened before my date, it would have messed me up in teh head and I would be in my thoughts." --Aly (to Kat)
  • "We went a very long time without seeing him and if I want to see him and have a moment with him, I'm allowed to do that." --Kat
  • "It's kinda her moment … It's classless." --Brooklyn (to Kat about Charity)
  • "Zach picks me up and I never thought I'd be upside down, my face in his ass. I hated it, but loved it at the same time." --Charity (after wife-carrying competition)
  • "We're heading to Smooch City, Estonia." --Charity
  • "I expected to get a One-on-One by now." --Jess (so did everyone else who hasn't had one)
  • "Does being the last one mean something?" --Jess (after she doesn't get the One-on-One)
  • "But you're not the last one. Greer hasn't had a One-on-One." --Gabi
  • "Greer's got Covid." --Jess
  • "I'm the last one to not get a One-on-One." --Jess (in confessional, but also still not true)
  • "I tried to kind of block out some things before, but the day was special." --Charity (totally referring to Kat macking with Zach beforehand)
  • "Okay, I'll be honest with you, yesterday was a lot and I don't want to have this conversation before we go into the group date." --Kat
  • "Oh my god! You don't want to ruin the group date? You don't want to have it before it ruins your time, like Charity's?" --Brooklyn
  • "Ew, why are you being so aggressive?" --Kat
  • "Ew? Because you have your head up your ass." --Brooklyn
  • "Nothing prepared me to date a man that's dating other women, too." --Jess (um… you did know what this show was, right?)
  • "I can only hope that I'll get the rose tonight, but nothing's guaranteed here and I know that he's got other connections to build." --Kaity (gets it more than most)
  • "You are one of my strongest connections I feel so good about." --Zach (to Gabi)
  • "It's hard for me because I am a hopeless romantic and I've just been knocked down so many times. Being in this position -- like, I know what I signed up for, I put myself here -- but I don't have that much confidence. … It's a lot to sit here and see all these women progress in their relationships with you. And I felt like, in my perspective, I was waiting on that One-on-One to, like, open up more." --Jess (to Zach)
  • "Are the women being vulnerable with you before or after their One-on-Ones?" --Jess
  • "I'm feeling so confident about us and then it's about a One-on-One? What am I missing?" --Zach (not getting why it matters to her)
  • "I told you from the start that I'm not gonna fight for someone. Like, I told you that all I wanted was someone to fight for me and, like, I'm not doing that. I'm not. I'm not gonna beg for you. I'm not doing that." --Jess (walking away)
  • "For him to be shocked that I'm hurt is crazy to me." --Jess
  • "So. We are at a nudist sauna." --Ariel (laughs uncomfortably)
  • "This journey has carried many surprises, and I'm not kidding when I say you might be the best one." --Zach (to Ariel on their One-on-One)
  • "Kat, do you mind if I steal you for a second." --Charity (pulling Kat during Cocktail Party to talk about the incident)
  • "I stand by for what I did because I wanted to show him that I care." --Kat
  • "I feel like someone will be blindsided tonight. I just hope it's Kat." --Brooklyn (before Rose Ceremony)

"The Bachelor" continues Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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Chelsea FC Gives an Update on Thiago Silva's Injury

The injury problems at the Chelsea Football Club do not seem to be coming to an end anytime soon.

Thiago Silva
Thiago Silva

Thiago Silva is the latest player to find his way to the club's injury list since the start of the 2022/23 football season. The Brazilian picked up an injury in the early minutes of the league game against Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane on Sunday, February 26th, 2023.

Chelsea confirmed on its official website on Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 that the defender suffered a knee injury. However, he did undergo a scan on his knee at the club's training center.

There are some reports that the Blues best player so far this season might be out for at least six weeks.

The post Chelsea FC Gives an Update on Thiago Silva's Injury appeared first on NotjustOk.

via NotjustOk

Testimony Jaga Drops New Single, "For Sure"

Testimony Jaga, the Multi-Award-winning Fuji-pop Artist and Gospel Music minister, has released a brand new single demonstrating that he isn't dimming his light anytime soon.

With the impressive track, titled "For Sure," Testimony Jaga makes a bold declaration with the new sound.  Known for churning out Melodious sounds yet very prophetic "For Sure" is a follow up to his first single of the year "No Chorus".

For Sure showcases Testimony Jaga's exceptional versatility as he blends contemporary rock with his signature Fuji-pop sound, creating a new anthem.
It's a faith-moving song that re-affirms our victorious identity in Christ Jesus.

Also, in light of the present situation in the country, the song is timely as it reassures Nigerians and the world at large that God has our back for sure

For Sure is now available on streaming platforms. Distributed by Fortune Winds Digital Services.



Ha yaha yah yah ye ye ye ye
Jaga is here
Jesus here
Ha yah yah yah ye ye ye ye

Call; one thing i know for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; One thing I know for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; As long as Jesus lives I know it for sure
Resp; One thing I know for sure
Call; I can never loose
Resp: I can never loose,
Beg no no
I can never beg

Call; one thing I know for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; One thing I know for sure
Resp; One thing I know for sure
Call; As long as Jesus lives I know it for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; I can never loose
Resp; I can never loose
Call; Beg no no
Resp; I can never beg

 Yeah hmmm....


I'm like a tree planted by the river side,
I bear fruit everyday by day
 as it is so I'm I....
I'm joint heir with Christ,
I rule and reign...
No matter what comes my way,
everything is working for my good
(Speaking In tongues)
Greater one lives  in inside of me that's why I'm unstoppable
(Speaking In tongues)
My gate are open continually
Men are laying Gold at my feet
 Call; one thing i know for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; one thing I know for sure sure..
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; As long as Jesus lives I know it for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; I can never loose
Resp: I can never loose,
Call; I can never beg no no
Resp; I can never beg


Ka ka kolododo kusi koto
Mona mona a si se owo re
(Instead of the righteous man to be swallowed by darkness,the day will shine light)

(Speaking In tongues)
Instead make I broke
Trumpet go sound o
Instead make I beg again
Rapture make e take place make all of us dey go ooo
No be for this world I go loose again..
I be born again that's why I no fit beg again hmmm..
I'm a tither that's why things can never be tight for me...
I'm a giver that's why I will never lack again... hmm...

Call; Out of my belly flows living water
Resp; Living water

My steps are ordered by the lord that's why me I no fit miss waka..
I'm a solution provider

     Call;one thing i know for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; One thing I know for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; As long as Jesus lives I know it for sure
Resp; one thing I know for sure
Call; Ooooo I can never loose
Resp: I can never loose,
Call;beg no no never
Resp;I can never beg

Can I tell you the reason why I can never loose,listen now...

Call; Favour Dey follow me go (say)
Resp; Favour Dey follow me go
(Aya yah yeee....)
Call; Blessings dey follow me go....
Resp; Blessings Dey follow me go
Call; Grace dey follow me go...
Resp; Grace dey follow me go...
Call; That's why brother
All; I can never loose,
Call; my sister
All; I can never beg

Lead; Somebody join me say o

Call; Mercy dey follow me go o..
Resp; Mercy Dey follow me go
Call; Ooo Money dey follow me go oo..
Resp; Money dey follow me go...
Call; Jesus dey follow me go
Resp; Jesus dey follow me go
Call; That's why eee... I can never loose...
Resp: I can never loose,
Call; I can never beg no no
Resp; I can never beg

      Never(6x) you say....


As you dey waka grace dey  follow you go
Call; as you dey waka o
As you dey do your business Favour follow you go
Call; Plenty blessings everywhere you go
In the name of Jesus blessings follow you o
Call; in the name of Jesus
Resp; In the name of Jesus blessings follow you go
Call; As you step out step out from here
Resp; As you dey waka grace dey follow you go
Call; plenty blessings everywhere
Resp; As you dey do your business favour follow you o
Call; in the name of Jesus
Resp; In the name of Jesus blessings follow you o
Call; (Tongues)in the name of Jesus Christ....
Resp; In the name of Jesus blessings follow you o

 As you dey waka go your business
Call: Ehhh....
Make you know say baba God dey your side
Call: No fear them....
Make you just Dey thing Jesus gat your back o
Call: Ahya
Resp;God dey with you
Call; He dey with you..
Call; you....
God dey with you
With you

 As you dey waka go your business
Call; Everyday...
Make you know say baba God dey your side
Call; waka with confidence
Make you just Dey thing Jesus gat your back o
Call; Oooo
Resp; You can never loose..
Call; that's why you can never
Resp;You can never beg
Call; Waka with confidence ko ma buga won so be...
 As you dey waka go your business
Call: waka ko gawu
Make you know say baba God dey your side.
Call; He dey your back o)
Make you just Dey thing Jesus gat your back o
Call; Dey do your thing o
God dey with you..
Call; he dey with you
Resp: you
Call; As you....
As you dey waka go your business
Call; in your business oo
Make you know say baba God dey your side..
Call; He Dey your back o gboin gboin...
Make you just dey do your thing Jesus gat your back o....
Call: He gat your back o
Resp; you can never loose
Call: you will never loose
Resp; you will never beg...

Lead; One thing I know for sure
One thing I know...
Jesus lives greater one lives inside of me
I can never loose everywhere I go
No matter how night take long morning must come
I know it for sure
That's my confidence...

The post Testimony Jaga Drops New Single, "For Sure" appeared first on NotjustOk.

via NotjustOk

AGT All-Stars Finale 5th Judge: Winner Revealed in Shocking Results


Adam Lambert, Weezer, Babyface, Lindsey Stirling, Mat Franco and Terry Fator were among the surprise "America's Got Talent: All-Stars" guests brought in to help pad a two-hour results show.

A star-studded finale of "America's Got Talent: All-Stars" walked us from one shocking result to another until we were left with a winner we could definitely root for, but probably many did not see coming!

The night featured a reunion between "American Idol" superstar Adam Lambert and Simon, who promised to be nice this time. Former "AGT" contestants Lindsey Stirling, Voices of Hope Children's Choir, Mat Franco and Terry Fator also returned, while Babyface and Weezer dropped by.

Why Aubrey Plaza Looked So Angry at SAG Awards Revealed by White Lotus Co-Star Jon Gries

In almost every case, the contestants were paired with these various celebrities to make some truly magical and memorable performances -- and a few missed opportunities. We're already read for Mat Franco and teen magician Aidan McCann to make their partnership permanent, while Avery Dixon and Babyface could cut a record today!

Of course, it was all leading up to the big reveal of the Superfans' Top 5 and who would emerge the winner of "AGT: All-Stars." We'll just say, our predictions were as wrong as we thought they would be -- and if you think you know who won, you may just be surprised!

Fair warning, since I'm safe at home, I'm probably going to be a little harsher than my colleagues Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum, and Simon Cowell. But I might be nicer, too. Maybe.

And just for fun, I'm gonna rank them from worst to first to see how my favorites do and then we can see how you did -- i.e., if you agreed with me.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Returns with Netflix Action-Comedy Series FUBAR


Bello Sisters & Aidan Bryant (w/ Adam Lambert)

("Chandelier," Sia) We were so glad that they combined what Aidan does with the Bello Sisters, even if just for one moment, because it was just so thrilling to watch that moment. Aidan was once again blowing us away with his pretzel-like contortions while flying around the stage. It was more of the same from Bello, but they are nevertheless so beautiful in what they do, with elegance and strength. As for Adam, what can you say? He's one of the best singers to ever emerge from one of these competition reality shows and he's still got those golden pipes (and that tongue coming out when he sings). He looked and sounded incredible!

Aneeshwar Kunchala on the Red Carpet

He didn't do spoken word, but Aneeshwar proved why he was so engaging to watch. He has the most adorable personality and is absolutely fearless in talking to people. He was also very funny, slyly telling everyone he was rooting for them to win. We could have definitely watched more of his time on the red carpet interviewing the judges and contestants!

Tom Ball (w/ Voices of Hope Children Choir)

("Who Wants to Live Forever," Queen) We kind of wish Tom had gone with this song last week as it was an incredible showcase of his gift. He just has this incredible voice -- he could go toe to toe with Adam Lambert any day of the week -- and makes it all look so effortless. It is gobsmacking that he hasn't yet had his big break in the music industry. After his "Got Talent" success on both sides of the pond now, we can only help something will soon be in the works. The choir wasn't given much to do, but they added a beautiful richness and fullness to Tom's performance.

Ted Lasso Season 3 Trailer Teases Nate Showdown

Kodi Lee & Light Balance Kids

("Wake Me Up," Avicii) Okay, they got us with giving Kodi a light-up jacket and letting him join in the closing moments of the performance. We kind of wished, though, that they'd initially dropped all the lights while Kodi was performing to give us some true Light Balance moments with the digital trickery as well so both acts could be represented fully, but it was a fun performance nevertheless and we did enjoy the partnership at the end.

AGT Judges: Fake News

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This was a cute segment that also revealed some little known IMdB listings for the judges, like Heidi Klum's work in a video game and Terry Crews' start on a reality show called "Battle Dome" where he was basically a giant bruiser. We even learned that Simon has looked into cryogenic preservation, while Heidi's legs are valued differently.

Mike E. Winfield's Backup Plan

As a comedy piece, this definitely wasn't as funny as any of Mike's stand-up piece as every bit of it was derivative and way too obvious. But, as a showcase for how engaging and charming Mike can come across on camera, it was fantastic. We'd definitely watch him on a television show. This guy has that "it" factor and could really blow up as a comic. We're rooting for his star to continue rising.

American Idol 5th Judge: School Shooting Survivor's Story Triggers Katy Perry's Outrage

Ana-Maria Mărgean (w/ Terry Fator)

("A Little Less Conversation," Elvis Presley) Ana-Maria was a little slurry at times on this one as if she wasn't quite as rehearsed. Plus, it was disappointing that she wasn't given as much of the funny banter as Terry. In fact, the "AGT" winner dominated the pre-singing portion of this. Now, we know Ana-Maria is also quite funny, so we'd have enjoyed a little more arguing between all four performers on the stage before the requisite singing, which wasn't as strong this time around.

Avery Dixon (w/ Babyface)

("Every Little Step," Bobby Brown) For the first time, we saw how Avery's sax playing works in accompaniment with a vocalist and it was a great combination. We know the era of every act having a saxophone is long gone, but if anyone could bring it back it would be Avery, as he's made the instrument cool again. Either way, we can't imagine him having any trouble landing gigs because he really is a dynamic player with so much personality coming through.

AGT Heads Up

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The judges and Terry were paired up to play a contestant game of "Heads Up" where they had to ID as many contestants as possible based on clues. Heidi and Howie were paired up against Terry and Simon and this one was a complete blowout. It did look like a fun game to play. Heid was the best at giving fun clues, but Howie was … alas, clueless.

Michael B. Jordan Encounters Reporter Who Teased Him in High School

Power Duo (w/ Lindsey Stirling)

This was a beautiful pairing, with Lindsey's acrobatic violin playing complementing the floorwork and aerial stunts of Power Duo. While their tricks on the floor were starting to look a little repetitive and that dead lift looked heavier than it should, Power Duo painted some new visual pictures up in the air, including a gorgeous final pose. This was an unexpected treat from both performers, proving that being unique as an artist just makes you more memorable.

Detroit Youth Choir (w/ Weezer)

("What Happens After You?"/"Beverly Hills," Weezer) What a waste of a choir backing you up. The kids were given virtually nothing to do on this one other than echo a few lines and really get drowned out behind Weezer. It wasn't entirely different than what happened with Tom Ball, but DYC is the finalist here, so it felt like they shouldn't have gotten such a short shrift. Should this turn out to be their last-ever "AGT" performance, it definitely didn't put them in their brightest light.

Aidan McCann (w/ Matt Franco)

This was a great act from start to finish, with both Matt and Aidan escalating their tricks (and combining them) in the most delightful ways. Both have an incredible charm on camera and actually left us kind of wishing they'd put together the most adorable dual act since Penn & Teller. Honestly, their was so much charisma on that stage, and some genuinely fun magic to boot, we're ready to book a ticket to their first show right now!

Selena Gomez Says 'Shame' Led to Falling Out from Wizards of Waverly Place Costars


Two things happened with last week's performance finale. We ranked all the acts and came up with our personal Top 5 -- and then immediately rejected it for the Superfans, convinced they'd go another way. Before getting into what happened, let's revisit those rankings.

Our ranking of the entire Top 11 was as follows:

11. Detroit Youth Choir

10. Mike E. Winfield

09. Bello Sisters

08. Aidan McCann

07. Ana-Maria Mărgean

06. Kodi Lee

05. Avery Dixon

04. Tom Ball

03. Light Balance Kids

02. Power Duo

01. Aidan Bryant

Then, we thought that the Superfans would respond a little differently than we did -- certainly not voting two aerial acts into their Top 2 -- and shared our predictions for what would happen. We also emphasized we were certain that we were wrong.

5. Tom Ball

4. Avery Dixon

3. Light Balance Kids

2. Kodi Lee

1. Aidan Bryant

So just how wrong were we? Terry started off the long, drawn-out results experience by narrowing down these 11 acts into America's Top 5.

Angela Bassett Reacts as Ariana DeBose Pokes Fun at Viral Moment at SAG Awards

First to get the results were Aidan Bryant, who was paired with Bello Sisters to get their results. For this one, it felt like Aidan had a more magical moment and should get the spot, and that's exactly what happened as Aidan Bryant became the first Top 5 finalist.

They were followed by Aidan McCann squaring off against Power Duo. From right here, it wasn't looking good for our predictions of how the Superfans would vote, as we had neither act in their Top 5. But Power Duo was in our personal Top 2 -- still, we had a feeling it would be another Aidian, and it was. Aidan McCann made it two for two for acts named Aidan (and two out of two).

With all the Aidans out of the way, it was time to move on to other names like Avery Dixon and Mike E. Winfield. Maybe it'll be all A names, because we really didn't think Mike delivered as strong an act as he needed to in that last performance, while Avery killed it. The Superfans clearly agreed, sending Avery Dixon into the Top 5.

The next ad was going to break the A-Team streak as Detroit Youth Choir stood alongside Light Balance Kids. As much as Terry loves DYC, LBK really brought magic to what they do, upping their game with each performance. They epitomize the potential of a show like this to really explore something wholly unique, and that's exactly what happened as Light Balace Kids moved on.

Now, why would they put Ana-Maria Mărgean up against two powerhouses like Kodi Lee and Tom Ball. Between them, we can see a tight competition, but it seemed extremely unlikely she could beat either of them, let alone both. It would have made more sense to put her up with the oddball lineup of Power Duo and Aidan McCaan.

As it stood, we had Kodi lower in our personal rankings and higher in our predictions -- but also predicted both would make the Top 5. It was almost impossible to pick one, but our gut still had a feeling it would be Tom (or maybe it was just wishful thinking). Howie had been right four out of four guesses on the night and he and Heidi thought Kodi, while Simon went with Ana-Marie.

As for the Superfans, they rounded out the Top 5 with the biggest shocker of the night, and the reason Ana-Maria was in this group. Simon was right as Ana-Maria Mărgean picked up that last spot, knocking out both powerhouse singers.

Brendan Fraser, Ke Huy Quan, Michelle Yeoh Celebrate Perseverance, Representation with SAG Award Wins


With everything in total disarray and zero singers in the Top 5 (which was kind of refreshing), we were definitely wrong about what happened. But, could we still bring home a win with Aidan Bryant scoring total victory? We'd predicted him to win and we ranked him number one. But was that enough?

We do have to note that this Top 5 falls into another "AGT" trope in that they are all kid acts. Other than a few members of Light Balance Kids (who are filling in due to the war in Ukraine), everyone of them is technically still a minor. Maybe next year's bonus season should be "AGT Kids" -- clearly the super-fans love it!

Terry's next move was to narrow it down to a Top 2. In both of our lists, going with who's left, we had Aidan Bryant and Light Balance Kids in our Top 2, and we still think those were the strongest acts of the night. But "AGT" fans love magicians and ventriloquists, so could we be looking at an Aidan McCann and Ana-Maria Mărgean Top 2?

Fifth Place: Aidan McCann landed in fifth place, so there's no dual upset in the making. Still, for him to come to America and make this kind of impression at 13 years old tells us he's got a very bright future ahead of him. He may find himself a guest on Mat Franco's show even before he flies back home!

Fourth Place: Ana-Maria Mărgean was next to go, solidifying that the huge upset would not happen. Like, Aidan, though, she's got a bright future in ventriloquism. She's come along way at just 13 years old and will probably return home to a hero's welcome. As she continues to hone her craft, there are definitely many stages in her future.

Third Place: Light Balance Kids just missed out on the Top 2, which to our minds is an upset. They represented Ukraine then and now and we can only hope they get their chance to take this truly unique and inspired act to bigger stages. Seriously, how long before we can get them booked in Las Vegas?

Second Place: Avery Dixon has absolutely nothing to worry about. He's already won so much just by coming onto the show. He's grown so much as an artist and in confidence just as a human being. That sense of self-worth that the show has given him is worth more than any title. Plus, we don't think this will slow his career down at all.

Winner: Aidan Bryant did things we've never seen before, and it's incredible he is self-taught and still so young. The potential with his creativity, strength and flexibility is through the roof and we can't wait to see how much farther he can take this talent. We got a lot of things wrong with our predictions and rankings, but we got Aidan right as the rightful winner -- we'll take it!

It's also pretty exciting that none of the past winners repeated, or even showed up in this Top 5. It was all hungry people who'd come so close in their respective seasons only to fall just short. That in itself is a testament to never give up. Just because someone beat you today doesn't mean you can't take them down tomorrow!

"America's Got Talent: All-Stars" crowns its winner next Monday at 8 p.m. ET on NBC.

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White Lotus Co-Star Jon Gries Reveals Why Aubrey Plaza Looked So Angry at SAG Awards


Jon Gries texted his "White Lotus" co-star Aubrey Plaza Monday morning after seeing that their on-stage exchange at the SAG Awards had gone viral leading to speculation about what set her off.

So what was going on with Aubrey Plaza on stage at the 29th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards after "The White Lotus" won the award for Oustanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series?

As F. Murray Abraham took the mic to accept on behalf of the sprawling cast, the "Parks & Recreation" alum just about stole the spotlight from him with some epic facial expressions Winona Ryder would have been proud of.

Aubrey Plaza Angry Outburst Caught on Camera at SAG Awards

Getting to the root of what was going on up on that stage that had the actress looking so angry, Page Six spoke exclusively with the other part of that exchange, her "White Lotus" co-star Jon Gries. You can check out the whole moment below:

While Abraham's pro-union comments and prayers for earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey, as well as for peace in Ukraine, captured the nation on Sunday, by Monday it was Plaza's facial expressions that had gone viral.

Gries reached out to Plaza after seeing their shared moment dominating social media, and the morning news cycle, to check in with her. He told Page Six that he was upset it had become a "creepy moment."

"You weren't really upset?" he told the outlet he texted the actress.

As Gries laid it out, while they massive ensemble was jockeying for position, he could see that Plaza was "being blocked by about 15 people." He said he encouraged her to look to the front, before addressing her bodice-baring dress.

Angela Bassett Reacts as Ariana DeBose Pokes Fun at Viral Moment at SAG Awards

"You might want to fix that first," Gries said he told Plaza of her Michael Kors dress. She was seen on the camera seemingly checking the dress as she took in Gries' words -- the dress was designed to show underboob.

He said that she appeared to say the phrase, "Jesus Christ," not because she was angry at the situation or at him, but because she was "just being funny."

"I think what she was intimating is why would that be a problem if my nipple is showing," he told Page Six. "That's her humor -- She has that dry, dead-pan wit; that's her biting wit."

That certainly is her reputation and penchant as a performer. The SAG Awards even leaned into her comedic style by pairing her with "Wednesday" star Jenna Ortega, who explored a similar persona for the title role of the hit Netflix series.

Brendan Fraser, Ke Huy Quan, Michelle Yeoh Celebrate Perseverance, Representation with SAG Award Wins

The two had earlier presented an award together with Plaza quipping that she had no idea why they were chosen to present together after they'd stared down the audience for nearly 10 very pregnant seconds.

Ortega replied in the same deadpan, "I know, we have nothing in common."

"We should find the people who did this," the "Emily the Criminal" star said.

The duo then recited in unison: "And curse their families and watch as misfortune follows their bloodline for the next seven generations."

"Okay, I see it now," Aubrey said.

As for theories that Plaza was frustrated she had not been allowed to speak, Gries said that they cast had agreed the 83-year-old Abraham would represent them. "He's a frigging legend!" Gries said.

Selena Gomez Says 'Shame' Led to Falling Out from Wizards of Waverly Place Costars

Photos backstage after the moment showed Plaza all smiles, while she replied to Gries' text query if she was upset by writing, "No! Not at all!" He said she even joked that he'd saved her from a potential wardrobe malfunction (the phrase coined after Janet Jackson's infamous accidental nipple reveal during a Super Bowl Halftime Show).

Fans were circulating a whole slew of theories about what might have triggered her reaction, including an overeager embrace between Meghann Fahy and Michael Imperioli which resulted in a clumsy elbow narrowly missing Aubrey directly in the face.

The series of seemingly awkward moments had fans in a frenzy on Twitter -- with some questioning what she was upset by while others simply noting how that type of scene stealing persona is what makes the actress so special.

TooFab reached out to her rep for comment. Late Monday, Plaza shared a pair of posts about her outfit and her show's big win on social media, but made no reference to the moment in question.

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Keke Palmer Gives Birth to Baby Boy -- Find Out His Name & See First Photos!

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Courteney Cox Insists She Did NOT Give Prince Harry Mushrooms


The royal, who was a huge Friends fan with a particular liking for Monica, claimed he did chocolate covered magic mushrooms kept in Cox's fridge while a guest at her home

Courteney Cox isn't confirming or denying Prince Harry's psychedelic account of being a guest at her house.

However, the "Friends" icon is making it clear she was not his supplier when it came to the "black diamond mushroom chocolates" he claims to have found in her refrigerator during an impromptu party she threw at her home.

Cox told Variety she was aware of the anecdote in his new book "Spare" and said she's heard the memoir is "entertaining" -- however she wanted to make one thing clear.

While she did confirm the prince was a houseguest -- saying "he did stay here for a couple of days" -- the actress said that doesn't mean she was confirming the other part of the story.

"I'm not saying there were mushrooms," she said. "I definitely wasn't passing them out."

In his book, released earlier this year, Prince Harry recalled being a huge "Friends" fan and his deep identification with Matthew Perry's character Chandler Bing, who incidentally ends up marrying Cox's character Monica on the sitcom.

During a trip to the States in 2016, Harry says he ended up staying at the Hollywood star's home via a mutual friend.

"We went from the home of [my friend] Thomas' girlfriend to the home of Courteney Cox," Harry wrote. "She was a friend of Thomas' girlfriend, and had more room. Also, she was traveling, on a job, and didn't mind if we crashed at her place."

"No complaints from me. As a 'Friends' fanatic, the idea of crashing at Monica's was highly appealing," he admitted. "And amusing. But then ... Courteney turned up. I was very confused. Was her job canceled? I didn't think it was my place to ask. More: Does this mean we have to leave?"

"She smiled. Of course not Harry. Plenty of room," Harry recounted. "Great. But I was still confused because ... she was Monica. And I was a Chandler. I wondered if I'd ever work up the courage to tell her. Was there enough tequila in California to get me that brave?"

It was then, Harry wrote, that Cox decided to throw one of her epic parties.

According to the royal, Will Arnett entertained him and his pal before taking the conversation to the kitchen.

"Then, maybe to get rid of us, he led my mate and me to the fridge, from which he extracted a soft drink. While the door was open, we spotted a huge box of black diamond mushroom chocolates," Harry recalled. "Somebody behind me said they were for everybody. Help yourself, boys. My mate and I grabbed several, gobbled them, washed them down with tequila."

Later on during the festivities, Harry said his hallucinations began, with a trashcan in Courteney's bathroom transforming into the gaping mouth of a monster.

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'Brave and Honest' Toddler Reveals Fugitive's Hiding Spot to Police


Tina Hicks had two outstanding warrants on charges of possession of meth and drug paraphernalia.

A child in Kentucky has been hailed by authorities for helping police track down a fugitive from the law.

Over the weekend, the Whitley County Sheriff's Department issued a press release about 45-year-old Tina Hicks of Williamsburg, KY -- and the unlikely person who helped them make an arrest.

According to cops, deputies from local and state police were attempting to serve Hicks with multiple outstanding warrants, but said "no adult family member was willing to report whether or not the fugitive was inside the house."

A juvenile at the address, however, came through.

"A very brave and honest toddler stood up, put his hands on his hips, and stated 'it is good to be honest ... we shouldn't lie, she is inside the room next to the bathroom!'" said authorities, who then found Hicks "hiding" just where the child described. "Deputy Patrick commended the toddler for his integrity and service to the community," added police.

Hicks was then served with two arrest warrants for possession of meth and drug paraphernalia, as well as four other unspecified outstanding district court warrants.

After their initial post drew some concerns about the child in question, the Sheriff's department added a clarification to their post.

"The child involved was visiting family. He was healthy, intelligent, and in no way appeared to be abused," they wrote. "He was just at the wrong place wrong time. If deputies thought he was a potential victim of repercussions, it would have been dealt with."

Hicks was one of 14 wanted individuals arrested as part of a multi-agency effort last week in Whitney County.

Model Abby Choi Remains Believed to Be Found in Soup Pot

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Selena Gomez Says 'Shame' Led to Falling Out from Wizards of Waverly Place Costars


Gomez brought David DeLuise to tears with her apology, which also gave some closure to Jennifer Stone -- who wondered why they stopped being friends.

Selena Gomez made amends for one of her biggest "mistakes" as she reunited with two of her former "Wizards of Waverly Place" costars in a new interview.

The 30-year-old actress/singer appeared on David DeLuise and Jennifer Stone's Wizards of Waverly Pod podcast this week, where she got real with the duo about why working together was one of the happiest times of her life ... and the real reason she didn't stay in touch with the cast after the Disney series wrapped.

"I miss you guys so much!" exclaimed Gomez as she joined the pair virtually on the new episode, looking back at their familial bond on set. "I think I felt safe and that's a really hard thing for me to feel. I know you guys love me for me. You guys genuinely loved me and that's all I could have asked for, the unconditional trust and bond we had, I missed so much."

As DeLuise reached for the tissues, Stone added that their bond is something the whole cast just doesn't have "with anyone else."

"I'm so lucky and grateful that I get to be a part of all these other projects, but I tell people all the time, I've never had that feeling that I had with the whole 'Wizards' crew. I felt like I was the happiest I've been my whole life," said Gomez. "I don't want that to be a sad thought because I'm really grateful and happy, but it was definitely the happiest times for me and I recognize that, obviously, it's because I have this different attention on me that I didn't have then and that was a really pure time."

Later in the episode Gomez was asked to reveal her "biggest mistake," with DeLuise adding that she couldn't say a "boy's name" as her answer.

"Probably not staying in touch with you guys," she said, as David said, "S---, you're gonna make me cry."

"I think I slowly became kind of shamed," Gomez added, as she explained what was behind her lack of communication. "I felt ashamed of the decisions that I made and I didn't want you guys to see me in the state that I was in. Because, A, you would have told me the truth which terrifies me and B, I didn't want to let you down."

At the time the show ended, Gomez would have still been dating Justin Bieber. In the years since the final episode, she's also been very vocal about her battles with anxiety and depression, her later bipolar diagnosis and her experience with a psychotic break.

Dabbing tears from his eyes, DeLuise said Gomez's apology was "Really sweet," before thanking her for her words. "Obviously, I miss you and I'm happy you're doing well now," he added.

"I appreciate you saying that too," said Stone. "To be perfectly blunt there has been times when I'm like, did she ... did we stop being friends because I didn't tell her what I wanted to hear?"

"I appreciate you guys dearly and I love you so much in a way that I've never loved anybody else," Gomez responded, as DeLuise said the feeling was mutual.

"The beautiful thing is we get older, we learn and we can be open and honest and blunt and that's the beautiful thing about it," added Stone. "We don't have to stay in that place. That's what I've learned from my therapy sessions."

Watch the full reunion above.

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Patricia Arquette Bombed Jerry Maguire Audition: 'I Blew It'

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Monday 27 February 2023

#TheBest: FIFA Announce Winner Of Coach Of The Year 2023 Award

Football governing body FIFA has announced the winner for the prestigious coach of the year 2023 award.

The Best Coach Of The Year

The world football governing body FIFA has announced at the best ceremony, the winner of the coach of the year award at the event which was held today, Monday, February 27, 2023. The award was presented to the head coach who had an outstanding year 2022.

Argentina head coach who had won the 2022 World Cup Lionel Scaloni was named the best men's coach of the year following his outstanding year 2022. Sarina Wiegman was crowned the women's coach of the year following her outstanding 2022 as well.

Previous winners of men's coach award

  • 2016 — Claudio Ranieri
  • 2017 — Zinedine Zidane
  • 2018 — Didier Deschamps
  • 2019 — Jurgen Klopp
  • 2020 — Jurgen Klopp
  • 2021 — Thomas Tuchel

Previous winners of women's coach award

  • 2016 — Silvia Neid
  • 2017 — Sarina Wiegman
  • 2018 — Reynald Pedros
  • 2019 — Jill Ellis
  • 2020 – Sarina Wiegman
  • 2021 — Emma Hayes

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Real Madrid and PSG Players Dominate FIFA FIPRO's World Eleven | See Full List

The FIFPRO award is a list of the best eleven players at the FIFA best award in the world which is always selected by the players.

This is the only award that is always selected by the key stakeholders in the game ( the players). The list of players was dominated by Real Madrid and Paris Saint-Germain players.

The award ceremony was organised in Paris, France on Monday, February 27th, 2023 after last year's virtual event took place in FIFA's Zurich headquarters due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Thibaut Courtois ( Belgium, Real Madrid)
Hakimi ( Morocco, PSG)
Virgil Van Dijk ( Netherlands, Liverpool)
Joao Cancelo ( Spain, Manchester City)
Kevin De Bruyne ( Belgium, Manchester CIty)
Luka Modric ( Croatia, Real Madrid)
Casemiro ( Brazil, Manchester United)
Lionel Messi ( Argentina, PSG)
Kylian Mbappe ( France, PSG)
Karim Benzema ( France, Real Madrid)
Erling Haaland ( Norway, Manchester City)

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I Should Hate You Lyrics by Gracie Abrams

Gracie Abrams Lyrics

The fifth track on Gracie Abrams' new album, GOOD RIDDANCE, is "I Should Hate You," which you can read the lyrics to below.

I Should Hate You Lyrics by Gracie Abrams
Good Riddance Album Cover

RELATED: Read 'I Know It Won't Work' Lyrics by Gracie Abrams

Gracie Abrams - I Should Hate You Lyrics

Verse 1
Last night, I spiraled alone in the kitchen
Making pretend that the furniture listened
Wasn't the best of my mental conditions, but I tried
Thinking of you without any forgiveness

Because I was the one who would stay up and call you
And I'd drive to your house for the shit that you went through
Then I wasted my breath when I tried to console you, didn't I?
'Cause we didn't happen the way we were supposed to

I know that I should hate you
I know that I should hate you

Verse 2
Pulled the knifе out my back, it was right where you left it
But you aimеd kinda perfect, I'll give you the credit
I just drank something strong to try to forget, but it wasn't right
No, you're not even here, but you're doing my head in

I know that I should hate you
I know that I should hate you
I know that I should hate you
Ooh, ooh

I should hate you, I feel stupid
Like I almost crashed my car
Driving home to talk about you
At my table in the dark
All I ever think about is
Where the hell you even are
And I swear to God I'd kill you
If I loved you less hard

Verse 3
After all of this time, I still get disappointed
Bet you're doin' alright and you don't even know it
How it's all 'cause of you that my standards are broken in my mind
I would bend back to you if you left the door open

I know that I should hate you
I know that I should hate you
I know that I should hate you
Ooh, ooh
I know that I should hate you
I know that I should hate you
I know that I should hate you
Ooh, ooh

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Friends Stars, Coco Arquette & Laura Dern Support Courteney Cox at Star Ceremony

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Model Abby Choi Remains Believed to Be Found in Soup Pot


Choi's ex-husband and his relatives were arrested, after legs, a skull and several ribs were all found inside a fridge.

Four members of Hong Kong model and influencer Abby Choi's ex-husband's family were all charged in connection to her grisly murder in court on Monday.

According to RTHK, her ex-husband, 28-year-old Alex Kwong, his 31-year-old brother Anthony and their father Kwong Kau, 65, were all charged with murder. Alex's mother, Jenni Li, also faces a charge of perverting the course of justice. The four were all denied bail; their hearing was adjourned until May 8.

Another 47-year-old woman was also arrested Sunday in connection to the case.

The disturbing saga began last Wednesday, after Choi was reported missing. The model, who has more than 100,000 followers, often posted photos from fashion week festivities around the world. She also recently appeared on the cover of L'Officiel Monaco and was featured on Vogue China's website.

Choi's dismembered body was later discovered Friday in a refrigerator in a house rented by Kwong Kau in the Tai Po District of Honk Kong, reports USA Today.

"The body parts that we found were inside the refrigerator – there were two legs that belonged to the female," police Superintendent Alan Chung said at the time. "We are still looking for the head. There are also other body parts that are missing, for example, the torso area, the hands, so we believe the suspect has already disposed of the body parts already."

On Sunday, authorities then confirmed they found a skull and several ribs they believe belong to Choi as well, inside a soup pot in the same refrigerator. According to ABC News, police said the remains appeared to have been cooked with "green radishes and carrots." RTHK said forensics experts also "found a hole in the skull behind the right ear caused by a hard object, and this was believed to have been the probable cause of death."

In a press release from police, authorities shared they also discovered "a meat slicer, an electric saw and some clothing in suspected connection with the case" at the home. Her torso and hands remain missing.

According to the AP, Superintendent Chung said Choi had financial disputes involving tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars with her ex and his family. Chung also speculated that "someone was dissatisfied with how the victim handled her assets, which became a motive to kill."

Alex Kwong was reportedly trying to flee Honk Kong by boat with $60,000 in cash on him when he was arrested.

Choi reportedly leaves behind four children -- two of whom she shares with her ex-husband and two with her current husband, Chris Tam.

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Michael B. Jordan Encounters Reporter Who Teased Him in High School


Jordan put "The Morning Hustle" radio show host, Lore'l, on the spot when she interviewed him at a "Creed III" event: "I was the corny kid, right?"

What happens in high school ... well let's just say it doesn't stay in high school.

That certainly seems to be the case for Michael B. Jordan and a former classmate, Lore'l, who is now a radio host.

The two came face-to-face on a recent red carpet for "Creed III" where "The Morning Hustle" radio show host brought up how they actually knew each other back at Chad Science Academy in Newark.

"Oh yeah, I was the corny kid, right?" Jordan replied coyly, referencing a 2021 episode of Lore'l's other show "The Undressing Room Podcast."

The host defended herself, "No, you did not hear me say that! I said we used to make fun of the name."

"I heard it," the actor-director playfully doubled down. "I heard it. It's all good. What's up?"

Lore'l replied, "But yeah, [you are] obviously killing things out here…you're not corny anymore."

Watch the awkward encounter below:

Back in the 2021 podcast, former cohost Dominique Da Diva said: "You know what I really think deep down inside? I think that Michael B. Jordan is a nice, corny guy, and I don't mean that as a slight."

Lore'l, for her part, did not say he was "corny," however she did admit that she and others at the school would relentlessly tease him about his name -- "he was no Michael Jordan" -- and for apparently bringing his headshots to school.

"Creed III" sees Jordan return not just as the titular star but as the director of the third installment of the Rocky spinoff franchise.

The boxing drama hits theaters March 3.

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#2023NigerianElections: 23 Songs To Listen To In This Election Frenzy

The Nigerian society is currently breathing through its mouth due to the national election frenzy, giving time to reflect on vital Nigerian songs to help during this time.

The ongoing Nigerian national election, which has had the citizens at the edge of their chairs, has put so much tension in the air. In light of this, here are 23 songs to listen to during the election season.

On Saturday, February 25, 2022, Nigerians trooped out in large numbers to actively participate in the 2023 presidential, senate, and house of representatives elections. The exercise, which is still ongoing in the case of the result announcement as of Monday, February 27th, 2022, has attracted so much attention from different societal and age classes of the nation.

With the governing elections on March 11th, here are some songs to keep the momentum going in reclaiming our country! 

  1. Sound Sultan ft M.I Abaga - 2010\

Sound Sultan, the late singer, rapper, and fashion enthusiast, featured the buzzing M.I. Abaga on the song "2010," which was released in 2011. The groovy hip-hop song that emphasizes the then-Nigerian government's promises of remarkable development throughout the country by 2010 turned out to be a fallacy filled with hardship, stagnancy, and lies. The song urges the citizens to "wake up," exercise their power as people, and demand better governance.

2. This is Nigeria - Falz

Another masterpiece by Rapper, singer, songwriter and activist, Folarin Falana, popularly known as Falz released 'This is Nigeria" in 2018. Inspired by American singer Childish Gambino's "This is America," the hip-hop song highlights the nation's socio-political ills, such as government decay, fraud, police brutality, and religious fanaticism, among other societal ills. 

3. Burna Boy - Collateral Damage

Known for consistently using his music as a tool to speak about societal issues, Damini Ogulu, popularly known as Burna Boy, released "Collateral Damage" in 2018 off his grammy-nominated "African Giant" album. The groovy afro-fusion tune produced by Kel P highlights the in-depth corruption operations orchestrated by government officials across all parastatals—an unending scene of intense looting that of course continues to drag the country backwards. Burna Boy speaks equally highly of the cowardice displayed by the people in this song, citizens who are supposed to take on the leaders they elect with their votes, but who cowardly do not speak up in the face of opposition. 

4. Burna Boy - 20-10-20

Released nine days after the Nigerian Armed Forces shot at peaceful protesters in Lekki, Lagos State on 20th of October 2022. The Grammy-winning singer painted a vivid picture of the massacre that went down that day. The bloody event that put a deadly halt to the peaceful protest of the Nigerian youths against police brutality and bad government was put into perspective by the singer, emphasizing the fact that the Nigerian heroes that were gruesomely killed by the government while exercising their rights will never be forgotten. 

5. Falz ft Sir Dauda - How Far

Again, Falz makes the point with his ever-conscious personality as an artiste. The song, which was released in 2014 as part of his "Wazup Guy" album, features familiar face Sir Dauda and is an introspective song that takes a toll on the country's statganant activities since its independence in 1960. Falz and Sir Dauda are asking "how far?" which directly translates to "what's happening?" due to the backwardness of the nation since its independence. Interestingly, the song emphasizes how the people continue to suffer while the country's leaders and elite continue to advance through looting, corruption, and other heartbreaking means. part of its lyrics read:

Someone told me long ago say life go better.
Still we dey under the weather
So someone tell me how far
This is 1960 we Don dey wake even now self we still dey the matter.
How far.
I beg tell me how far.

6. M.I Abaga - Wild Wild West

Nigerian ace rapper Jude Abaga, popularly known as M.I. Abaga, comes into the conversation with the song "Wild Wild West." Released in 2010 off his "MI2 The Movie" album, the song, although directly speaking about the horrific situation of "Jos," at the time highlighted the incompetence of the Nigerian government in ensuring the protection of lives and property, which indeed is the reality of most Nigerian society. M.I. emphasizes how bad the situation is and how people have no choice but to defend themselves against external threats in this song. Lyrics read:

Better get your gun
Better get your vest
'Cause in J town is the wild wild west
Down here everyone curse, no one bless
Nobody care, nobody notice
So know this, until you feel the gun blast
Nobody gon' sleep and nobody gon' rest
Down here everyone curse, no one bless
'Cause in J town is the wild wild west

7. M.I Abaga - Craze

Released off his "MI2 The Movie" album as well, "Craze," as "unserious" as the title, delivery, and beat tempo of the song are, speaks a lot about what the Nigerian society has turned into. Vote rigging, vote buying, heirachy intimidation, low living standards, stagnant educational standards, kidnapping, and other issues that plague the country are highlighted. Lyrics read:

Lets face the fact
That the people are slim and the
Governors fat
And the people laboring, only
The oga relax
It's just a matter of time, the
People gonna react
People wanna eat but there's
No money at all
So they gotta be sharp coz the
Governors dull
People struggle and toil, others
Chopping them all
Some people koko with oil, others
Are chopping the oil

8. African China - Mr. President

A classic from the Reggae-Dancehall singer African China, even though it was released as far back as 2006, continues to be very relevant in today's Nigerian society. Speaking on bad leadership, poor infrastructure, and a poor standard of living amidst other difficulties that continue to plague the society. Lyrics reads:

Food e no dey
Brother eh water no dey
And our country no good o
Everyday for thief
One day for owner e
Poor man wey thief maggi
Omo, dem go show im face
for crime fighter Rich man wey thief money
Omo, we no dey see their face
for crime fighter
Tell me something now rudeboy
Rich man go dey halla prayer Poor man go dey shout Rich man go dey halla prayer Poor man go dey shout Make una lead us well
No let this nation to fall inside well

9. Brymo - Down

The sonic artiste who loves to speak in parables paints the picture of a crumbling society, which evidently equates to the Nigerian society where "everything goes." Irregularities, confusion, chaos, etc. are the order of the day, and people continue to live in this society. As expected, this aforementioned society continues to sink into wretchedness and underdevelopment as the "anyhowness" persists. Lyrics goes:

Something dey go round town
People dey go downtown
The world is spinning round round
The world is going downtown

People dey go uptown
Anyway anyhow now now
Chop your own and clean mouth now
We print and loot and sharе around

Them say the priest
E dеy pray for the thief
Shadaka for Allah
Blood for the spirit

People no bother
Dem they wait on the Lord fa
Rere run
O run

10. 8tch - 9-5 in Lagos

A storytelling rap song that paints the struggle of surviving in the work space of the city of Lagos. "Lagos" in this sense paints how hard it is for even the educated middle class in a society like Nigeria.

11. Asa - Fire on The Mountain

The Nigerian-French singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist contributes her quota to this list with the evergreen "Fire on the Mountain." The soothing tune, released in 2007, highlights the hostile environment that Nigerian (African) society has become. Plagued with violence, corruption, ethnic war, bigotry, and other things, Asa foresees that these dominant societal ills will eventually lead to the doom of this society. Lyrics reads:

There is fire on the mountain
And nobody seems to be on the run
Oh, there is fire on the mountaintop
And no one is a-runnin'

I wake up in the mornin'
Tell you what I see on my TV screen
I see the blood of an innocent child
And everybody's watchin'

Now I'm looking out my window
And what do I see?
I see an army of a soldier man
Marching across the street, yeah

Hey, Mr. Soldier man
Tomorrow is the day you go to war
But you are fighting for another man's cause
And you don't even know him

12. Dremo - Thieves in Uniform

Released on October 4th, 2022, which was sixteen days before the Nigerian Armed Forces shot at peaceful protesters in Lekki, Lagos State, on October 20th, 2022, the hip-hop song was the perfect song during the #ENDSARS protest. The title "Thieves in Unfetter" refers to the intense police brutality Nigerians have experienced, but it also refers to the intense government brutality they have experienced.  Lyrics read:

You can never trust Sars with a gun
A de le trust ole pelu ibon
So the difference is not really much
Dem just be armed robbers in uniform
Dem no dey try protect us (protect us)
They only tryna extort us (extort us)
The government won't even say a word (FEM)
Not until their family dey involved

Its so sad mehn its so sad
So many dreams cut short cos of one gunshot
Mane we end Sars sharp all this shi*t gaz stop
How can your first check point be your last busstop (Damn!)

13. Fela - Coffin for Head of State

14. Fela - Authority Stealing

15. The Cavemen - Brother's Keeper

16. Tekno - Freetown

17. Falz feat. Tekno - Owa

18. Timaya- Dem Mama

19. Mr. Raw ft Klint Da Drunk - Obodo

20. Ajebo Hustlers ft Davido - Barawo

21. Tekno - Rara

22. Jesse Jagz - Chant Down Babylon

23. Burna Boy ft M.anifest - Another Story

Notable Mention: Show Dem Camp - Ghost Rant

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